

残疾人士无障碍服务 is moving to a new accommodation software that will better serve the needs of our students and community. This is exciting news; however, it means that the current system is going offline while the new system comes online. 在7月1日之前,DAS将无法接受住宿请求. 如果您有任何问题,请直接与DAS联系: (电子邮件保护)


任何有学习记录的学生, physical or mental disability who feels their disability may impact academic success may be qualified to receive accommodations. Students should make accommodation requests no later than 1 week prior to needing them. 所有讨论都将保密.


  • 减少学习障碍
  • 为学生提供公平的机会

DAS住宿 :

  • 从根本上改变课程的性质
  • 降低学术要求

残疾人士无障碍服务 (DAS) at Concordia University coordinates reasonable resources with students and the campus community to allow for equal access and opportunity, 哪一种方法最终能提高学生的学习能力, 研究, 和/或参加校园活动.

Students who believe they would benefit from accommodations as a way to address the impact of a disability are encouraged to 接触DAS.






  • 自我报告
  • 以前的学术住宿(如IEP), 504计划, 经批准在原学院住宿)
  • 由合格的专业人员出具的正式文件

Although a student’s lived experiences are important in understanding how some accommodations would be helpful, formal documentation that clearly demonstrates that a student has one or more functional limitations in the academic setting is required for most accommodation requests.

Formal documentation is information provided by a qualified licensed professional such as your doctor or therapist, 或者心理教育测试. 我们查找最近的文件(日期在最近五年内). 如果您有较旧的文档,请带来,以便我们与您讨论. We may ask that you obtain updated testing in order to get a clear picture of your current abilities and challenges. 请参考文档指南了解更多信息.

核实残疾表格 文档的指导方针


住宿 are determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the student’s documented disability and its functional impacts. 常见的住宿条件包括:

  • 选择测试
  • 选择格式
  • 记事的住宿
  • 可访问的家具
  • 口译服务
  • 抄录/车服务
  • 出勤/作业的灵活性


Once a student is registered with DAS and reasonable accommodations are determined, DAS will email an Academic Access Letter to the faculty of the enrolled classes for that current term. The student is expected to take the initiative and set up a meeting with the course instructor to discuss the specifics of each accommodation. DAS encourages that these meetings be held outside of the classroom so the instructor can honor the students.


DAS is committed to providing fair and appropriate testing accommodations to eligible students. Students are responsible for scheduling proctored exams at least 4 days in advance. The testing room is located in the Student Success Center (identified as the Hallerberg Center on the campus map), 在学术顾问的同一办公空间. 学生可以通过 DAS考试预约表.


如果教科书没有无障碍格式, 学生可以通过 备选文本请求表单. DAS通过多个平台(Bookshare)提供可访问的教科书, 直接来自发行商, AccessTextNetwork). 如果没有可访问的版本, the student may bring/mail the textbook to the DAS office for in-house conversion. Please note: converting textbooks into an accessible format may take up to 7 days.


DAS encourages students to take notes for themselves and use the resources provided by faculty. 如果一个学生想提高记笔记的技巧, please schedule an appointment with DAS for note-taking guidance and skill-building. DAS also encourages students to connect with our tutoring, writing, and 法律顾问ing 服务.

Depending on the nature and functional limitations of a student’s documented disability, 学生可能有资格获得笔记协助. Note-taking assistance is provided as a necessary academic accommodation and is not considered a substitute for a student’s full participation in class. Assistance is determined on a class-by-class basis and is dependent upon the nature of each course and the method of instruction as it relates to the student’s documented disability. Notes and/or recordings are for a student’s personal 研究 use only and are not to be shared with other individuals unless this is provided to all class participants.


Support 服务 may not be available until requested by a student registered with DAS. 以保证有充足的时间提供住宿, the student must be registered for classes and notify DAS within the appropriate time frame each term.

如果请求在相关截止日期后提交, DAS和教师将做出合理的努力来满足这一要求. 但是,我们不能保证这样的要求能够得到满足. Untimely requests may result in delay, substitutions, or denial of accommodation. Be sure to read DAS notices, reminders, and agreements in order to use accommodations.

服务类型 所需的时间
Interpreting, Transcription 服务, Video Captioning, Classroom Relocation, Braille 在学生需要之前至少四(4)周
桌子,椅子,脚凳,讲台 在学生需要之前至少两周
选择格式 在学生需要之前至少两周
记事的服务 注册后或学生需要前两(2)周
选择测试 Minimum advance notice required for scheduling exams with DSS: Quizzes and Midterms – 5 days or 3 business days
无障碍大学宿舍 3月15日前提出的申请将优先考虑. 4月1日之后,如果有空位,将提出住宿申请. DAS和RES建议您填写一份 住宿申请 当你填写住房申请并提交适当的文件时.

权利 & 责任


  • 参加课程的平等机会, 项目, 服务, 工作, 活动, 以及学校提供的设施
  • 工作和学习的平等机会, 并得到合理的安排, 学术的调整, 和/或辅助艾滋病和服务
  • Appropriate confidentiality of all information regarding their disability and to choose to whom, 大学之外, 他们的残疾信息将被披露, 除非法律要求或允许披露


  • 满足资格要求并保持课程的基本机构标准, 项目, 服务, 工作, 活动, 和设施
  • Identify as an individual with a disability when an accommodation is needed and to seek information, 法律顾问, 以及必要的协助
  • Demonstrate and/or document (from an appropriate professional) how the disability limits their participation in courses, 项目, 服务, 工作, 活动, 和设施
  • 遵循已公布的程序以获得合理的便利, 学术的调整, 和/或辅助艾滋病和服务
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